Test Anxiety: Strategies and Solutions


Contributor: Alice Rushing

Generally, we all experience some level of nervousness or stress before tests or other important life events. A little nervousness can help to motivate us to perform well; however, too much can interfere with our ability to prepare for tests and exams.

It is important to distinguish between two types of anxiety. If your anxiety is a result of lack of preparation, consider it a normal, rational reaction. However, if you are well prepared but still panic, “blank out and/or overreact your reaction is not rational. Both of these reactions are normal and anyone can have them and it is certainly helpful to know how to overcome their effects.

Preparation is the best way to minimize rational anxiety:

  • Avoid “cramming” for a test or exam. Attempting to learn an entire term’s worth of material the day before the exam is not an effective way to learn and can produce anxiety.

  • Review course material over several days and work on mastering main concepts without feeling pressed for time.

  • When studying for the exam, quiz yourself by generating potential test questions. Try to integrate ideas from lectures, texts and other readings in your answers.

  • If you cannot cover all of the course material, select important portions and cover them thoroughly. Set a goal of presenting your knowledge of this information the best that you can on the exam.

Changing your attitude

Improving our perspective of the test-taking process can actually make studying more pleasant and may improve your performance.  Don’t overplay the importance of a grade. Try to remember that it is not a reflection of your self-worth nor does it predict your future success.

Try the following:

  • Remember that the most reasonable expectation is to try and show as much of what you know as you can.

  • Remind yourself that “this is a test is only a test” – there will be others

  • Avoid thinking of yourself in irrational, all-or-nothing terms like “if I don’t do well on this test, I will fail out of school”.

  • Reward yourself after the test – visit with friends, go to a movie or out to eat.

Don’t forget the basics

Students preparing for exams often lose focus of their basic physical, emotional and social needs. To do your best, you must attend to these needs. Think of yourself as a total person – not just a test taker during exam periods.

Don’t forget to:

  • Continue the habits of good nutrition and exercise. Continue your recreational pursuits and social activities – all contribute to your emotional and physical well-being.

  • Follow a moderate pace when studying; vary your work when possible and take regular breaks.

  • Get plenty of sleep the night before the test – when you are overly tired you will not function at your absolute best.

  • Once you feel that you are adequately prepared for the test, do something relaxing.

The day of the test

To be able to do your best on the day of the tests we suggest the following:

  • Begin your day with a moderate breakfast and avoid coffee if you are prone to “caffeine jitters”. Even people who usually manage caffeine well may feel light-headed and jittery when indulging on the day of a test.

  • Try to do something relaxing the hour before the test – last minute cramming will cloud your mastering of the overall concepts of the course.

  • Plan to arrive at the test location early – this will allow you to relax and to select a seat that best suits you.

  • Avoid classmates who generate anxiety and tend to upset your stability.

  • If waiting for the test to begin causes anxiety, distract yourself by reading a magazine or newspaper.

During the test: Anxiety Control

Curb excess anxiety in any of the following ways:

  • Tell yourself “I can be anxious later, now is the time to take the exam.”

  • Focus on answering the question at hand, not on your grade or others’ performances.

  • Counter negative thoughts with other, more valid thoughts like, “I don’t have to be perfect.”

  • Tense and relax muscles throughout your body; take a couple of slow deep breaths and try to maintain a positive attitude.

  • If allowed, get a drink or go to the washroom.

  • Ask the instructor a question.

  • Eat something.

  • Break your pencil lead – then go sharpen it.

  • Think for a moment about the post-exam reward you promised yourself.

After the test

Whether you did well or not, be sure to follow through on the reward you promised yourself – and enjoy it!

Try not to dwell on the mistakes you might have made.

Do not immediately begin studying for the next test…indulge in something relaxing for a little while!

Adapted from information provided by the University of Illinois, Counselling Centre.


Alice Rushing