A very different holiday for all of us!


This years’ Christmas break is unprecedented and different from any other we have had in recent history. Similar to this years’ March Break, the holidays may seem to drag on this year as we are unable to fill our time with friends and family. So, how do we all stay happy and healthy under one roof? How do we keep our kids entertained while still indulging in a little “me time”?

Love and Laughter

One of the easiest ways to avoid fights, boredom and elevated stress levels is to plan! Creating a rough, day-to-day, schedule will allow you and your kids to feel comfort in the ‘known’. Some key things to include are daily routines, an event to look forward to, independent play time/interests, family time, and an activity that involves physicality. Structuring your day in such a fashion allows both you and your kids to thrive. It encourages you to spend time together bonding in a positive manner while allowing each member of the family to have their “me time”. 

Daily Routines: The things that make us feel like things are still ‘normal’. 

  • Making the bed

  • Practicing hygiene 

  • Getting dressed

  • Family meals

  • Tidying up

  • Consistent bedtimes

Physical Activities: These are the types of activities that get our heart rate pumping. Blood flow to the brain boosts mental performance and reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.

  • Skating

  • Tobogganing/Sledding

  • Skiing/Snowboarding

  • Hiking/walks

  • Snowman building

  • Snowball fights

  • Fort building

  • Just Dance

  • Yoga

  • Dance Parties! 

Family Time: This is time focused on interacting with each other without the distraction of work or other obligations. 

  • Board/card games

  • Crafting

  • Bonfires

  • Movie nights

  • Engaging in ‘pretend play’ 

  • Story time/Co-reading

Special Events: Out of the ordinary events give us something to look forward to. Each day brings about something special and helps curb boredom within routines. These events may overlap with things from the previous categories, which is fine! It’s all about making each day stand out and creating joy. 

  • Art walk around KW (check out our local graffiti murals) and get a special treat

  • Tour the lights at Waterloo or Victoria Park

  • Watch a new movie with a special snack

  • Nature photography! Lend your child something to snap some pictures of what they see. This is a great way to cultivate mindfulness, grounding, and creativity. Your child can create a photo book with their pictures, illustrating their perspective of the world around them.  

  • Video calls with a special family member (Zoom, Skype, FaceTime)

  • Find a new recipe and bake together

Independent Time: This is a set time within the day where each person gets to do their own thing – something that makes them happy or interests them. This should be within a set time frame, around the same time each day. Give choices and take time for yourself too! 

  • Playing with new toys

  • Reading a book

  • Playing a video game

  • Drawing

 Just because this year is different doesn’t mean we need to let it hold us back. We can still have fun and grow as individuals and families in positive ways. If we can remain positive – glass half full -- in the face of adversity, we can model and teach our children resiliency during the toughest of times. It is important to remember that while we may not be able to control the pandemic and the way it is limiting us, we can still control the way we handle ourselves during this challenging time! 

Contributed by Jenn Galbraith, Educational Therapist

Alice Rushing